Our Story
I stumbled upon a video on called, ‘Hamster Care Basics’. Intrigued, I clicked it, and watched the ENTIRE video! Then, I watched another, and another and another…..WHY?
I was in complete shock…APPARENTLY,
- Hamsters bathe in Sand Baths (but not dust or powder)
- Hamsters need 6+ inches of shavings to burrow in (but not pine or cedar)
- Hamsters are OMNIVORES (uhh, my Pet Store Guide had said otherwise!)
THEN, I learned all Winter Whites here in the US are hybrids, due to being bred with the Campbell Hamster species in rodent mills. This has lessened their overall lifespan and quality of life by increased risk of health conditions such astumors, lowered immune system and so much more. No wonder all my petstore hamster would pass away so quickly..
Quickly, I google searched Ethical Winter White Hamster Breeders in the US. I was ready to drive to get my next hamster the way I now knew was right.
To my surprise, Syrians were the only species being bred ethically in America.
Thus began our adventure. My husband and I flew to England, and imported eight healthy purebred Winter Whites to the US to begin an Ethical Hamstery of our own. :)
"Sometimes you have to be the change you want to see in the world."
Hi, I’m Tabitha!
Besides being obsessed with hamsters, my hobbies consist of drinking loads of homemade caramel lattes, studying the Bible and choreographing routines for my aerial students. I'm an Aerial Director full-time at a studio in South Carolina teaching, Sling, Silks, Lyra, Trapeze & Bungee.